If the law dictates that you need a licence to operate your business then we can help.

Operating any business without the requisite business licence can put you at risk of receiving a large fine and your business being shut down by the the authorities.

In addition to this your insurance may not cover you for losses incurred if your business does not conform to the statutory requirements.

We have a particluar affiliation in advising interested clients and obtaining licences to operate hotels, guesthouses and self catering holiday establishments

We provide sound advice on procedures and requirements needed  in getting your licence granted. Whether you are interested in a liquor licence or a licence to operate a vehicle test station then we have experience to help you and guide you along the way. We can also represent you at tribunals for any dispute involving your licence.

It can be a daunting task attending to register a licence on your own.  Let us help you at a competitive rate and you concentrate on the other aspects of your business.



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