Making a Will is just one of those things that we plan but never actually get around to do. Making a Will is one of the most important decisions to make in your lifetime. By making a Will you can ensure that should the worst happen, your financial affairs can be administered with the minimum amount of disruption and to the maximum benefit of those close to you.

Reasons why you should make a legal Will:

1.  It's the only way to ensure your property and possessions are correctly distributed after your death.It's essential if you to wish to avoid any argument, expense or delay, making sure your dependants are provided for in the event of your death.

2.  Should you die without a valid Will, your belongings will not necesarily go to your spouse.

3.  If you do not make a Will the law decides what happens to your estate in the event of your death.

4.  It's essential to have a Will to provide properly for young children in the event of both parents dying simultaneously

5,  It is essential to make a new Will if you have married, separated, divorced, re-married, or entered into a civil partnership.

6.  You should once a year review your Will to make sure it fits your circumstances at the time.

7. Self help Wills may be incorrectly drawn up and signed therefore may not be accepted by the authorities.

8.  You can reduce the Tax your estate will suffer by careful drafting of your Will.

9.  Wills are therefore important if you want your possessions and assets to be allocated and your estate administered in accordance with your wishes after you die.




In today's society many people have strong views regading the medical treatment they would wish to receive should they suffer an illness which would seriously threaten their quality of life.

Although Living Wills are a fairly new concept, they are increasingly popular as they enable us to choose in which circumstances we would accpet or refuse medical treatment and allow us to appoint those who would want to make a medical decision on our behalf should we not be in a position to do so ourselves .



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